Laser Maze!

The Go Game laser maze is made with over 30 lasers and sensors feeding into a central computer. The goal is to make it to the masterpiece painting at the other end of the room, steal the painting, and bring it back to the entrance, without tripping any of the lasers. If you do, an alarm sounds and you have to start again! The level of difficulty can be changed by activating/deactivating individual lasers in the maze.

The game was a massive hit at the San Francisco Come Out and Play Festival in 2013, then titled The Hearst Collection. Gabe incorporated the maze into a spy-themed Go Game on the Stanford campus as the penultimate mission in more traditional scavenger hunt-style event. The maze was an Official Selection of the 2013 IndieCade independent games festival.

If you've ever dreamed of executing a dangerous escape from a conference room while facing death-by-powerpoint -- we have the game for you! The maze has undergone several iterations and we're excited to report that it's a totally moveable feast!  Play it as a stand-alone event or add this element to the grand finale of a more traditional Go Game.

This is just the sort of project we're excited to have brewing in our Go Game Lab!

Laser Maze