Team Building Bern

Team Building Bern

Experience our renowned technology driven, team-building events in Bern. Play in our existing game zone, or somewhere new - we'll customize a game for just for you.

There's more in this city than you could ever imagined. Of course part of it because of The Go Game. Either it's a meeting or a conference, come and experience our technology driven urban adventure and have the time of your life. Fun, creative missions will challenge you and your colleagues to explore the city in a new way. Oh and we promise this will take your mind off the famous Belgian chocolate. At least for a while…

The old town, dominated by the Minster (or basilica) is the charming older part of Berne that still preserves its original layout. The houses, with their arcades on street level and their projecting roofs, reflect the prosperity of the citizens of Berne in the 18th C. Most of the attractive fountains, painted in lively colors, were the work of Hans Gieng (1540-45). Now you don't necessary need to know who was that but you would have to be there and play a Go Game to experience the full city flavor.